graphic function ttg_qrcode()

T&T graphic function ttg_qrcode

The function ttg_qrcode() creates a QR-Code from a string. Please use the form M_QRCODE (QR-code icon from the toolbar) to generate the QR-code you want. The button Clipboard copies a ttg_qrsetparam() command corresponding to the settings of this form, to be pasted into your T&T Grafic programm. If you generate more than one QR-code with the same setting, the ttg_qrsetparam() is needed only once. Since this function generates a bitmap and returns a string including width and height of the bitmap.

If you want to copy an icon into a QR-Code, see ttg_qrcompare().


1: Text to be converted to QR-code
2: Name of the resulting bitmap (fullpath)